Established in 2011, QR Codes Australia offers premium Static and Dynamic QR Code generation services for businesses, governments, and organizations.

Our self-managed Dynamic QR Code Generator operates on Australian servers located in Melbourne and Sydney.

Generate Static QR Codes for free, indefinitely, without any advertisements. Order any quantity of Bulk QR Codes for projects by providing a spreadsheet.

Our local business, situated in Brisbane, utilizes Australian servers to distribute Static and Dynamic QR Codes.

We have been one of the pioneering QR Code Generators in Australia since 2011, with servers in Melbourne and Sydney. Catering to large projects, our services extend to government clients for tasks such as building and room identification, council development applications, asset registers, and more.

Generate a QR Code by adding information to our online generator, then download it in PDF, PNG, SVG, or EPS formats for application on products, posters, or marketing materials.

Dynamic QR Codes contain unchangeable database URLs, but their destinations can be modified through our exclusive online software, warranting a fee. Access a PDF document addressing common QR Code queries, suitable for various devices.

Explore our A4 brochure available for download, enabling easy printing for meetings and reference.

This resource is valuable for team discussions and organizational documentation, aiding in informed decision-making with no obligations. Located in Brisbane, Australia, our team is ready to assist with any inquiries.

Contact us via phone or through our website for further details on our premium QR Code services.


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