Here are 10 Ways To Use QR Codes As A Marketing Tool.

Marketing your products and services is a critical part of any business or organisation. Tracking and seeing how each marketing strategy performs is the key to having a great marketing campaign.

In the old days this was quite hard as there was not so much technology around to help us. hThis has all changed so even the smallest business can create great and effective marketing strategies.

One of these is by using QR Codes.


QR Codes as a Marketing Tool Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Link to your website
  3. Offer discounts and coupons
  4. Showcase products
  5. Event promotion
  6. Social media promotion
  7. Lead generation
  8. Feedback and reviews
  9. Loyalty programs
  10. Interactive experiences
  11. Direct mail marketing
  12. Conclusion

QR Code Link to Your Website

QR Codes as a marketing tool can be used to link to your website or a specific landing page.

This can be a great way to drive traffic to your website and provide more information about your products or services.

If you can edit your website you can make a special landing page for all your products and services plus contact information. Obviously this needs to be responsive so it can be viewed on mobile and tablets.

By using dynamic QR Codes and the Google UTM you can get a wide range of statictics to help you really manage your marketing and honer in on customer preferences. Using analytics adds even more information for you.

QR Codes as a Marketing Tool to Offer discounts and coupons

QR Codes as a Marketing Tool Coupons

Coupon marketing is a clever tactic used by businesses to entice customers to make a purchase by offering discounts or special deals.

It’s a win-win situation – customers get to save money, while businesses get to increase sales and customer loyalty.

QR codes can be used to offer discounts or coupons to customers who scan the code. This can be a great way to encourage customers to make a purchase and drive sales.

Marketing is all about an irresistable offer coupled with aquiring customer information and QR Code marketing is no different.

The main difference is it is just a scan away so easier to get people to engage than writing or typing in a url. Plus they can access later through the QR Code history.

Showcase Products

QR Codes as a Marketing Tool can be used to showcase products and provide additional information about them.

For example, a clothing store might use QR codes to provide more information about the materials used in their products. Again you can also use landing pages for multiple products or shop url.

Enhance the customer experience in your retail business by integrating a QR code that will give further details to your customers about the products you offer.

QR Codes as a Marketing Tool for Event Promotion

QR Codes as a Marketing Tool for Event Promotion

QR codes can be used to promote events, such as concerts or conferences. You can include a QR code on flyers, posters, or tickets that link to event information or ticket purchase sites.

They can also be used to quickly and easily provide attendees with access to important information such as schedules, agendas, and speaker bios.

To create a QR code for an event, organizers should first determine what information they want to share and then use a QR code generator to create the code itself.

Attendees can then scan the code using their smartphones to access the information instantly. QR codes are a convenient and efficient way to enhance the attendee experience and streamline event logistics.

By using dynamic QR Codes you can change the information as the event progresses from where to attend to sessions to followup etc.

QR Codes for Social Media Promotion

QR Codes as a marketing tool can be used to connect with customers on social media platforms. You can include a QR code on your business card or in-store signage that links to your social media profiles.

As in the above use for events you can redirect the Qr Code to social media after the event.

By creating a code that links directly to a social media page or profile, businesses can encourage customers to follow, like, or share their content.

This can help increase social media engagement and ultimately drive more traffic to a business’s website or storefront.

To create a QR code for social media promotion, businesses can use a QR code generator to create a code that links to their social media page or profile.

Again it is all about the strategy and analytics to see which is the best fit. We rotate our social media QR Code between our different social media platforms to see which gets the best results and then build on that.

This can change over time and depending on our focus. Maybe a few months our youtube channel does well then later Facebook picks up.,

QR codes are a simple yet effective way to boost social media engagement and drive business growth.

QR Codes as a Marketing Tool Social media

Lead generation

QR Codes as a marketing tool can be used to generate leads by linking to a form where customers can provide their contact information in exchange for something valuable, such as an eBook or a whitepaper.

This can help build a customer email list and ultimately drive more sales.

To create a QR code for lead generation, businesses should first determine what information they want to collect from potential customers and what kind of offer or content they want to provide in exchange.

When customers scan the code using their smartphones, they will be taken directly to the landing page or opt-in form and then download their gift.

QR codes are a simple yet effective way to collect customer information and generate leads, and can be a valuable addition to any marketing campaign.

Feedback and Reviews

QR Codes as a marketing tool can be a powerful marketing tool for gathering feedback and reviews from customers.

By creating a code that links to a survey or review platform, businesses can encourage customers to provide their thoughts and opinions on their products or services. This can help businesses improve their offerings and build a positive reputation online.

To create a QR code for feedback and reviews, businesses can use a QR code generator to create a code that links to a survey or review platform. The code can be printed on marketing materials such as receipts, business cards, or product packaging.

When customers scan the qr code using their smartphones, they will be taken directly to the survey or review platform where they can provide their feedback.

By incorporating QR Codes into their marketing strategy, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and improve their overall customer experience.

Loyalty Programs

QR codes can be used to track customer loyalty and reward them for their purchases. For example, a coffee shop might use QR codes to track customer purchases and offer a free coffee after a certain number of purchases.

QR code for loyalty programs is becoming an primary tool to keep current customers engaged and happy.

Studies showed that acquiring new customers is more expensive than retaining an existing customer. Furthermore, it showed that increasing customer retention even at 7% could increase profits by 90%.

We strongly recommend you add to your QR code marketing by using in-store promotional materials (example below). You can use to create your own promotional materials, we’ve created a basic template to get you started.

Interactive experiences

QR Codes as a marketing tool can be used to create interactive experiences for customers.

For example, a museum might use QR Codes to provide more information about exhibits or create a scavenger hunt.

By linking a QR code to multimedia content, businesses can engage customers in unique and interactive ways. For example, a QR code can lead to a video demonstration, virtual tour, augmented reality experience, or gamified content.

QR codes as a marketing tool for interactive experiences provide businesses with a creative way to connect with customers, showcase products, and stand out from competitors in an increasingly digital world.

Sukiennice Museum brought reenactors to tell the “Secrets Behind the Paintings.” Visitors scan the QR code for a particular painting and get the inside scoop direct from the “painter” themselves.

Direct Mail Marketing

QR Codes as a marketing tool can be used in direct mail marketing campaigns to provide more information about products or services.

For example, a real estate company might use QR codes in direct mail flyers to provide more information about available properties. Its a great way to transition from traditional physical marketing to digital marketing.

The QR code can link to a landing page, special offer, or promotional content, encouraging recipients to take immediate action.

This integration of QR codes in direct mail marketing campaigns enhances customer experience, drives traffic to digital platforms, and allows for better tracking and measurement of campaign effectiveness.

QR codes make it convenient for recipients to engage with a brand, increasing the chances of conversion and overall campaign success.


QR codes have become a powerful marketing tool for businesses.

These codes can be printed on various materials, such as flyers, packaging, or direct mail, and when scanned using a smartphone, they provide instant access to relevant content.

QR codes can link to websites, social media pages, special offers, surveys, and more, allowing businesses to engage customers and drive conversions.

They provide a seamless transition from offline to online experiences and enable businesses to track and measure campaign effectiveness.

QR codes have transformed traditional marketing methods by providing a convenient and interactive way for customers to engage with brands and access valuable information.


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