Dynamic QR codes International are QR codes that can be scanned and used globally, regardless of where they were created. Our basic package of 2 dynamic QR codes is $22 Australian dollars a year which converts to around $15 USD, 12.00 GPB or 14 Euro. As you can see...
Discover how to use a Dynamic QR Code Generator. QR codes have become a ubiquitous part of our lives. They offer an easy and efficient way to share information with others. But did you know that you can create dynamic QR codes that can do so much more? A dynamic QR...
QR Codes for Advertising are quickly becoming an important part of modern advertising and marketing. By using QR Codes, businesses can easily reach out to their customers and provide them with helpful information in an easy and convenient way. When using QR Codes for...
QR Codes come in two types. 1. Free Static QR Code Generator which are free and the QR Code editing is restricted to the looks and not the destination. 2. Dynamic QR Codes which the destination is editable and trackable and have a fee for the database. You can also...
QR Codes for Artists can be printed on labels placed next to each work of art in an exhibition. This allows the viewer to get more information about the piece and can direct them to a website. This can then enable the presenter to gather more information about the...
Business Mobile Marketing with QR Codes depends on a little bit of understanding of the current Mobile market. All the below suggestions can be used with or without QR Codes Maybe you don’t need me to tell you this one but we see people use them every day in a...