Setting up QR Codes for Australian Small Business usually will include a mixture of both static and dynamic QR Codes. This is because many marketing projects are short term so a free static code will do.

When adding a QR Code to a long term marketing assett then a dynamic QR Code is better as you can change the destination and get stats to help improve the marketing content.

Here are top 10 ways how to use QR Codes For Australian Small Business

  1. Giveaways to drive loyalty
  2. Boost downloading your app
  3. Increase social media following
  4. Create map links for your customers
  5. Provide product information
  6. Track campaigns & retarget customers
  7. Boost website traffic
  8. Contact and email lists
  9. Touchless payments and ordering
  10. Provide instructions.

First up it is not just us seeing ther relevance of QR Codes here is a video from another company explaining it all for you.

Giveaways to drive loyalty

Just like loyality cards that many businesses use Qr Codes have taken the whole process digital.

QR codes for loyalty programs is becoming an easy to use tool to keep current customers engaged and happy.

Studies showed that acquiring new customers is more expensive than retaining an existing customer. Furthermore, it showed that increasing customer retention even at 5% could increase profits by 95%. This goes to show how necessary customer retention is in your business.

Your QR Codes For Australian Small Business have flexible applications. You can use them in your flyers, brochures, posters, and store banners to encourage an offline audience to scan it and get exclusive discounts, specials and gifts on their next purchase.

You can leverage social media, emails and even your website to share your coupon QR codes to help your customers to receive your offers.

The main takeaway here is to use multi channel platforms where your loyal customers are most active.

Boost Downloading Your App

Some businesses have apps linked to their online store or you can use what we call a A progressive web app (PWA). A PWA is a website that looks and behaves as if it is a mobile app. PWAs are built to take advantage of native mobile device features, without requiring the end user to visit an app store, make a purchase and download software locally.

Obviously the best system is to have a mobile ready website using a responsive theme so it can be viewed on various devices hoiwever some businesses run off apps so linking to them using a QR Code is the next step.

You usually have 2 apps, one for Android and one for apple. The QR Code contains links to both and can recognise which one when scanned. This one goes to Duck Duck Go privacy browser for you specific mobile.

Increase social media following

The amount of QR codes scanned is set to grow from 1.3 billion in 2017 to 5.3 billion this year 2022.

You’ve probably been seeing QR codes all around you: on receipts, restaurant menus, discount coupons, mobile apps and pretty much everywhere you go. It’s no secret that they’ve taken the digital world by storm especially due to Covid.

A great way for small businesses to use them is to get them made into stickers so you can instantly add them to your invoices, envelopes, brochures and anything else you use in and around your office. Obviously if you use digital invoices etc so can add then to them as well.

Just link them to you social media pages. This is where a dynamic QR Codes For Australian Small Business can come in useful as you can keep changing the platform without changing the QR Code and track the engagement to see which ones perform the best.

Create map links for your customers

This is a reasonably easy process.

  1. Go find your business and address on Google Maps. We use Google maps as it can be seen on all devices.
  2. Now on the left panel (easier on a laptop or desktop) choose the share button
  3. Choose “copy link” and go to the QR Code Generator.
  4. Add the link and create the QR Code and download the graphic.
  5. You can check if the QR code is working and landing to your Google Map address or not by scanning it with your smartphone. If everything seems good, it is the time to get the QR code printed on your marketing materials and business stationery.
  6. All your other information should be added so they can get to your website etc.
  7. Our business is nearly all online so we do not really promote our address however if you are a shop or trade you would have this here.

qr code map link.

Provide product information

We have looked at this extensivley in another post on QR Codes For Products but lets go over the basics again.

Getting customers to engage with your brand is a vital part of running any successful business.

Smart packaging transforms your products into a new marketing channels for customers to engage with your brand. 

There is a wide range of smart QR Code packaging solutions to fit any brand’s requirements.


Track campaigns & retarget customers

By using a dynamic QR Codes For Australian Small Business you can start tracking customers and retargeting them using different forms of software.

Wikipedia says that Retargeting or Remarketing is a way to display ads to people who have previously visited your website. You include a pixel within your webpage which sets a cookie in the user’s browser. That cookie allows you to target the website visitor with advertising elsewhere on the internet using retargeting.

The displaying of ads is managed by big advertisement platforms (e.g. Google, Facebook, AdRoll, etc.) that have a large network of websites where they can display those ads.

Boost website traffic

We parctice what we preach and use QR Codes For Australian Small Business to promote our varios businesses online. We usually do a few different campaigns and track their usage to see which ones perform best. For this we will use a dynamic QR Code to do the research then when we find the best result revert to a static Qr Code and go into production. We then use the Dynamic for the next research project.

Your probably thinking because we own the Qr Code product we can do it easily however the cost is not a factor when you consider you can do it very cheaply before you commit to a larger marketing campeign.

dynamic QR Codes pricing

Contact and email lists

Out of the many methods or strategies for marketing and email building, many small businesses are noticing that QR codes are one of the most effective ways to gather email subscribers.

A QR code is a scannable image that immediately redirects you to its content. It could be contact information, a website, or a document such as a sign-up form. You usually see QR codes on billboards, labels, or advertisements. They look similar to barcodes but instead of having lines, they contain squares. 

You simply create a QR Code with a link to your subscription and always a great offer.

  • Print ads, newspaper articles, press releases
  • Brochures, leaflets, posters, stickers
  • Business cards, online PDF materials
  • Bills, receipts, order forms
  • Books, CD covers, menus, packaging
  • Souvenirs, T-shirts, clothing tags, name tags
  • Exhibition stands, store windows, checkout counters

With any marketing it needs to have an irresistable offer to get them to scan and signup.

Touchless payments and ordering

Over the weekend I took my grand children and their parents to a dumling restraunt and we were able to order, pay and the food was delivered by a robot all using a QR Code.

The staff were then free to seat customers, clean up quickly after each group left making for a much quicker turnover.

QR code ordering is a method of digitizing your menu and ordering process. Restaurants use QR codes by placing them on tables or counters, allowing customers to access the menu with their smartphones.

QR Codes For Australian Small Business to Provide Instructions.

This is the last topic in this series and not all businesses are hospitality so how can you use Qr Codes in your business.

We have done a lot of projects for many different kinds of business ranging from machinery manufacturing and hire, to education and training.

Nearly all business have things they need to provide their customers with and QR Codes can make the process very simple.

Some of the more interesting ones we have done recently was a QR Code on AV Equipment in schools to show teachers how to use the projectors or electronic whiteboards. A dental surgery for post dental maitinance. A audio link for a bush walking trail.

So as you can see thge options are limitless and it saves clients having toi type in urls etc to their smartphone. Just scan and your there.


QR Codes For Australian Small Business was hopefully a brief insight on how you can use QR Code in your small business.

We hasve a lot more info on Qr Codes in our other posts.

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